Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big Day

Today was definitely a big day today. The inauguration of Barak Obama wasn't something I was hoping for, but none the less it was historic. I think it's great that an African American has ascended to the office of President. I wish it was someone who held my socially and fiscally conservative views, but we've survived Democratic administrations before. Usually the best thing that comes out of Democrats in control is a wake up call that returns control to the Republicans. I hope with Barak's accomplishment that all people now recognize that America is a land of opportunity and the only thing that truly limits anyone's success is themselves.

The second reason that this was a big day is that I had to present my last three months work to the Global Manufacturing Manager and Americas Zone Manufacturing Manager for our division of ExxonMobil. Needless to say I walked out with a proud sense of accomplishment based on the feedback from both the managers and our local management. I'm always confident in my work, but sometimes it's nice to have that affirmation.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Beginnings....not just for January 1

Happy New Year. Time to buy a new calendars and put away the Christmas decorations for another 11 months. For me there is little celebration for the new year...really.....the holidays are over, college football is winding down, and pro football is coming to an end as well. We are entering "the stretch" of unrecognized minor holidays. There are exactly 145 days before Memorial day and a scheduled day off (thank God for elective vacation days). On top of that, we are getting ready to inaugurate a new president that is about as opposite in his worldview from my Christian worldview as you can get. Do I have you depressed yet?

Well, GET OVER IT!!! There is nothing to be depressed over!

All the things that I mentioned are merely the external things. How many of those things do I have control over? None! So, it would be insane for me to worry or complain about them. God is in control. That is what I'm excited about. Each year people make resolutions based on something they didn't do the last year or that they want to change for the New Year....why?....because it is a new beginning. Annual resolutions are hard to keep, but there is a trick that makes them easier. Yes, I've figured them out. How else do you think someone who is 50lbs over weight can go a whole year without eating a single donut or any french fries? I made it in 2008. I had done it before with donuts and french fries, each separately, but never both the same year. Here's the trick.....they have to be daily resolutions, not annual. Can you do anything for a day? I can. Is it easy; sometimes yes; sometimes no, but it's a lot easier for a day than a year. Focusing for a day is much easier than focusing on the entire year.

So, Happy New Day!!! Make the right choices today. Focus on getting through today making all the little decisions that give you a win. Maybe it's not stopping to get a Coke, eating those sweets, maybe it's not cursing, or turning off the tv show you should really be watching, or spending some time in the Word....whatever you look at as a win at the end of the day. Make it a law, a rule you just can't break no matter what. Then do it again tomorrow...and the next day... soon you will find that it's just what you do.

Psalm 119:60
I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.