Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Negatives go up, positives go all around

With a new session of Financial Peace University (starts Auguest 17 at 4pm on Sundays for 15 weeks at Calvary Baptist Church) about ready to start, I'm now on a email list for FPU facilitators. Today I got the first newsletter via email and it had a great little article on gossip and it's affect on the work place. In general it said that gossip is defined in business as any negative comments, whether true or not, that is shared with someone who does not have the ability to change things. Sounds like a good definition to me. The quote that I pulled from it that will go up in my office is "negatives go up, positives go all around." Not only will it go up on the wall, but I'm going to have to practice it myself. It is a tough task when you are as cynical as I am. I'll have to rely on God's strength.

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