Friday, August 1, 2008

Win Some, Lose Some

Well, we finally won our first softball game. It was pretty impressive even if it was against the worst team in the league. It was an epic battle of the bottom of our league. We have a lot of potential on our team, just not a lot of practice. As with the first week, fly balls were an issue. Several balls actually hit our fielder's gloved, but didn't stay there for very long (or at all). After winning the first game, we ran into a team that has been playing together for years. We actually didn't get a person past first base in the three innings we played. They on the other hand hit the ball all over the place. I noticed as well that they had some pretty fancy bats (in the $150-250 range). Don't get me wrong, the bat doesn't swing itself, but you don't see Tiger Woods playing golf with an old Dunlap steel driver either. End of the story is that we got skunked by over 20 runs in the third inning and our list of casualties is starting to grow. Braun pulled a quad, Sammy did something to his knee, Jon got hit in the knee, and my knee feels just a bit tweeked. Next week, I manage the team and we're going to switch things up a bit to give some people an opportunity to play different positions. Should be interesting.

By the way, the Cubs just finished a four game sweep of the Brewers on Thursday. Go Cubs Go!!!

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