Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Let there be Blog...

"and Paul said, 'Let there be Blog' and there was his blog" and so it begins.

I don't exactly know how I intend to use this blog, but I thought it was a chic thing to do. I mean, anyone who is anyone has a blog. I was beginning to think that I wasn't normal because I didn't dump my opinions, pictures, videos, and the like out into the collective consciousness that is cyberspace. But here in lies the dilemma.

What do you blog about?

A blog is not exactly erasable once it's published. It's like the word "logos." More than just meaning "word" it carries the connotation of words that are alive and once spoken have a life of their own. Not that I would suggest this, but tell a close loved one they are fat, even in jest, and you will understand what I mean about words having a life of their own. Simply put, I can't just rant about anything that I don't want to address head on, because as sure as dogs lick their butts, it will come back to get me. So I guess this will just be about trivial things that I'm thinking or doing, daily happenings, philosophy, blah blah blah...

I'm thinking this could be pretty scary, since it's all coming from my head in free form which can get pretty weird. I'm not exactly where I got my sense of humor, but it lies somewhere between bust a gut improv to wife rolling her eyes idiotic. Anyway...I'll get back to thinking about what is to follow and you get back to doing whatever you were doing on here.

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