Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Origins of Humor

Day three of VBS is in the books. It's been a busy week with both work and VBS, but I've been able to manage. The tough part is switching from VBS mode in the morning to work mode in the afternoon. I'd much rather be at VBS all day, but then again, who wouldn't. All I have to do is help the kids have a fun time at the Rally, compete in some "physical challenges", then cruise the halls talking with the kids and goofing around with them. It's not quite the same as being in a chicken costume like last year, but it's fun none the less. We had over 60 kids come forward today saying that they gave their life to Jesus. Out of the three boys that I talked to, one didn't understand anything about what he just did which really means that he was just following the group and two had already prayed to accept Christ and were baptized, but still prayed the prayer again. It's tough with kids this age because it is really hard to know whether they "get it" or not. Ultimately, it doesn't matter if I think they do or not. If only one kid were to "get it" then the whole week would be worth it to me.

VBS is a lot of fun for a goof ball like today....I played with beach balls, swam in bubbles, played the cow bell, shot kids with squirt guns, played on the preschool play ground, rode a mechanical surf board, and ate ice cream with a group of three year olds so i could smear the ice cream all over my face like they did. On a more serious note, I got to counsel with Quinton, Trevor, and Gipson, pray for a ton of kids, sing in worship, and make some little kids smile. I love striving to be a man of God, but showing people that being a Man of God or even a deacon, doesn't mean that you have to be stuffy or rigid.

I know God is the author of humor. Just look around. Look at the Duck billed Platipuss, or the giraffe or elephant. He had to be laughing when he made them. I think God also laughs at scientists who think that world evolved from nothing or people with OCD who think they can control things that only God can control. I know He's a loving God or he wouldn't have sent His son in our place, but I think he sees humor in our idiocy as well.

I'll leave with that for now.

Did I mention I like Fantasy more on that in the future.

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